Orders must be placed by Sundays at 3PM for the Upcoming Week's Pick-up or Delivery.

Squash Blossom's Food Safety During COVID-19


    Squash Blossom has been deemed an "Essential Business" under the Governor's current pandemic restrictions

    Our Food Safety Protocols are as follows:

    • All of the farms we work with are required to have stringent food safety protocols in place. These cover everything from planting, harvesting, washing, and packing on the farm. During this time, our farmers are required to be extra vigilant and report any symptoms of illness to us immediately.

    • As opposed to larger supply chains, the only hands that touch the food from Squash Blossom are the farmers who grew it, and our small staff who pack it into bags for you. As always, we have strict hygiene practices for our staff that include regular hand-washing, the use of Nitrile gloves, disinfecting all surfaces, and the additional use of bandanas over our mouths & noses during this time. We will never let any staff work if feeling ill.

    • Our pick-up locations are small local businesses who need your support, and are safe, uncrowded locations.

    • We have launched home delivery in addition to our pick-up options, within Santa Fe's city limits, for those practicing strict isolation.

    • We quarantine for 7 days and then clean all reusable bags and coolers.

    • Our staff uses protective gear when distributing and receiving reusable bags and coolers.

    • We know that many of our customers are high-risk and take our safety procedures very seriously.

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