Orders must be placed by Sundays at 3PM for the Upcoming Week's Pick-up or Delivery.

Eat Local

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Food with Integrity

Harvested per Order by Family Farms Nearby

Preserving Tradition

Ensuring Health & Sustainability for Generations to Come

Blossom Bag Subscription



We work with over 20 small-scale family farms across New Mexico, who use traditional, low-impact farming practices. All our food is harvest per order, every week of the year.

Our Farms


Squash Blossom's mission is to provide a reliable income stream for local farmers, bring healthier food to our community, and strengthen our local economy.

Our Story


When you eat local food you are getting the freshest, most vibrant and delicious food available! You are minimizing your carbon footprint, and you are voting for your values.

Our Products

Sourced from Small-Scale Family Farms

100% Locally Grown

Harvested Fresh for You

Fair Price for Farmers and Eaters

I'm loving my Squash Blossom subscription! I get a bag every other week and go to the farmer's market alternate weeks. I'm like a little kid each time "What's in my bag?!!". Every bag is prepared with love, and with a nice variety of favorites, along with some specialty or unique item I might not buy for myself. I'm very pleased. I think I get more for my money than I do at the market, and they are always farm fresh riches! Well worth it!

Naraya Stein, Blossom Bag Subscriber

Squash Blossom makes reintroducing a healthy and delicious supply of fresh produce into my diet simple and desirable. The quality and variety in the Squash Blossom bags is top notch.  

Kayte Williams, Blossom Bag Subscriber

As a nutritionist and natural chef, I know how valuable fresh local produce is to our health, quality of life and the local economy. We are so very lucky to have Squash Blossom! Nina has connected me to local farms and provided me and my business with the best produce in town. And she does it all with a smile. One of the best things about this town and region is its roots in agriculture, I'm grateful to be connected through Squash Blossom!

Leah Pokrasso, Chef

Squash Blossom gives us greater understanding and appreciation of all the work involved in producing the food we sometimes take for granted, it also gives us better tools to pass the knowledge to our customers."

Guido Lambelet, Executive Chef / IAIA, Santa Fe Opera

Reliable, efficient, great selection, makes shopping fun and easy, and you get a cute Squash Blossom bag! I am a big fan.

Ceci Ervin, Shopper / Squash Blossom

I’m most passionate about making good food and making people happy through good food. That’s why I do what I do. I’m buy through Squash Blossom because they support local farmers and local businesses and that’s what I go for. I opened my restaurant for locals. I serve local food. It tastes better, goes farther, and is a better value.

Josh Gerwin, Executive Chef, Owner / Dr. Field Goods Kitchen

What I love about local food is the flavor, the nutritious benefits, and what it does for the local people. Squash Blossom supports the local economy and it supports a very important part of the American culture, which is growing our own food. Food is what brings us all together, and when it’s coming from a local farm, you get even more of that family feeling.

Patrick Gharrity, Executive Chef / La Casa Sena

Nina is lovely to work with. Her heart is in this and the whole concept is genius and cutting edge! I am thrilled to be her customer.

Heather Bradley, Shopper / Squash Blossom

Our client base is really interested in local produce. They can tell it tastes different. They are also seeking out businesses that are aligned with their personal goals of being a   sustainable member of community. We love buying local produce, because the fresher the produce is the more nutrient-dense it is, and we love Squash Blossom because they make buying local easy!

Kelly Egolf, Owner / Verde Food Co.

Your Local Farm Source

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